Sustainability Policy


Sustainability Policy

Woburn House is committed to promoting sustainability and we aim to follow and promote good sustainability practice, to reduce our environmental impact and help our clients and service partners to do the same.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Woburn House considers its environment in all areas of the business and encourages all staff and visitors to think about how to reduce their impact on the environment both locally and globally. We work with clients and contractors to ensure we are reducing our carbon footprint wherever possible by using local suppliers and produce sourced sustainably.

Our CSR Policy is based upon the following principles:

• Monitoring and managing our consumption and use of energy. Install new energy efficient equipment and lighting when updating.

• Reduce the consumption of water. • Reduce amount of waste and recycle wherever possible. • Monitor and work to reduce its contribution to environment emissions from travel undertaken for business purposes.

• Undertaking sustainable procurement actions including using local suppliers, recycled materials, biodegradable chemicals and purchasing fair trade products wherever possible.

• Recognising the responsibility staff have in contributing to good environmental management and channel this enthusiasm by providing information and support so that all staff exercise their environmental responsibility.

• Encouraging clients and visitors to consider the environmental impact of their events and reduce paper based materials where possible.

• Promoting environmental good practice to its suppliers, encouraging a shared responsibility to protecting the environment.